Tasks of the "Health and Care Office"

The HCO supports immigrant | immigrant health care professionals with qualifications acquired abroad. It provides information about health care in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, shows occupational perspectives in our federal state and provides career professionals. It assists in recognizing the qualifications acquired abroad in Germany and fulfilling the necessary prerequisites (e.g increasing the knowledge of the German language). The goal is to obtain qualification-adequate occupation in the local structures and facilities.

In this context, language offers and vocational qualifications are developed and implemented.

The HCO promotes the recruitment and retention of immigrant professionals in hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, medical care centers, inpatient and outpatient care facilities, and practices in our state. Additional tasks include the provision of practical experience, exchange of experience and mutual development of intercultural and transcultural competences.

The HCO is an institution of the Society for Sustainable Regional Development and Structural Research (genres). Their internal organization takes place at the interface of the faculties of Health | Education | Participation and serves equally the promotion of public health, education, and participation.